Health assurance

Health assurance at future events

Recently it has become extremely important to care for the helath and safety of both ourselves and our loved ones by following strict hygienic rules. 

Adhering to health and safety regulations is also a major factor when it comes to events. We are confident that clients will prefer venues or work with suppliers that can provide a reliable health assurance system developed in collaboration with a professional medical team. 

At the moment, there is no official quality assurance system or a comprehensive guideline formulated explicitly for the event industry in Hungary. We have teamed up with Swiss Clinic Medical Services Company to develop our own policies and guidelines; to define health risk factors as well as cleaning and disinfection procedures. 

In addition to applying our own protocol, we place great emphasis on complying with the regulations of clients, partner hotels and event venues; to incorporate their rules into our own guidelines and educate our team accordingly. Our ultimate goal is to minimize risks and offer creative, yet safe event solutions. Upon request we can provide medical presence at events, too. 

We must develop guidelines and regulations that significantly reduce risks, raise trust of guests, but still set feasible conditions for service providers.

Invisible Care for Your safety & comfort

With the guest experience in mind, our goal is to regain attendees’ confidence in live events by providing carefully crafted protective solutions.


The event setup can be comfortable, exclusive and safe at the same time.
We seamlessly combine preventive efforts with creativity to ensure maximum comfort for the participants.


We ensure that every piece of equipment a guest touches meets the highest standards of hygiene. We use properly disinfected and designated audiovisual equipment, single-use accessories and provide mobile hand sanitizer stations at every event.


Connect with care by using cutting-edge, interactive technology. When audiovisual services are combined with a smart and appealing digital conferencing tool, networking is easy, convenient and if so desired, contactless as well.

For virtual or hybrid events we offer enhanced visual and unique interactive elements to keep your attendees engaged.


The event setup can be comfortable, exclusive and safe at the same time.
We seamlessly combine preventive efforts with creativity to ensure maximum comfort for the participants.


We ensure that every piece of equipment a guest touches meets the highest standards of hygiene. We use properly disinfected and designated audiovisual equipment, single-use accessories and provide mobile hand sanitizer stations at every event.


Connect with care by using cutting-edge, interactive technology. When audiovisual services are combined with a smart and appealing digital conferencing tool, networking is easy, convenient and if so desired, contactless as well.

For virtual or hybrid events we offer enhanced visual and unique interactive elements to keep your attendees engaged.


Details make a great event! We are committed to implement customized solutions with a sense for security when designing attractive stage sets or contactless interactive solutions to engage the audience.

We offer invisible and fun solutions for social distancing.


Our well-trained crew members comply with respective protective measures. They work closely with organizers and venue staff throughout the event to increase the comfort and safety of guests.


• ‘Event-made’ Health and Safety Consultation
• SE Certified Risk Assessment with hygiene & cleaning measures and procedures
• Personalized Event Assistance for your safety & comfort


Details make a great event! We are committed to implement customized solutions with a sense for security when designing attractive stage sets or contactless interactive solutions to engage the audience.

We offer invisible and fun solutions for social distancing.


Our well-trained crew members comply with respective protective measures. They work closely with organizers and venue staff throughout the event to increase the comfort and safety of guests.


• ‘Event-made’ Health and Safety Consultation
• SE Certified Risk Assessment with hygiene & cleaning measures and procedures
• Personalized Event Assistance for your safety & comfort

Special Effects’ Health and Safety Regulations

General precautions to avoid infection

Special Effects is continuously working on increasing the hygiene and safety of live events, minimizing risks and creating a framework for the safe operation.

Our guidelines not only contain processes for the prevention and control of the spread of COVID-19 but also contribute to the planning and operation of safe events in the long run.

Our team members are trained about the nature of the virus, its risks, the way it spreads, the importance of increased hygiene, and how to act when symptoms are detected.

Any sign of infection or illness is instantly reported to the immediate supervisor, as well as to the HR Manager as stated in our internal protocol.

Our employees must feel perfectly healthy in order to attend work. Furthermore, they are obliged to keep the following rules:


Regular and thorough hand washing with soap and / or hand disinfection with alcoholic hand sanitizer.

Using of tissues

Use of tissues: Sneeze or cough into a (disposable) tissue, or into the elbow if tissue not available.


Avoid touching the face, mouth and eyes

Social distance

Avoid sharing equipment. It is advised to keep a minimum distance of 1.5 meters.

Face mask

Face masks are used if required by regulations or by client.


Regular and thorough hand washing with soap and / or hand disinfection with alcoholic hand sanitizer.

Using of tissues

Use of tissues: Sneeze or cough into a (disposable) tissue, or into the elbow if tissue not available.


Avoid touching the face, mouth and eyes

Social distance

Avoid sharing equipment. It is advised to keep a minimum distance of 1.5 meters.

Face mask

Face masks are used if required by regulations or by client.

Symptoms of COVID-19 infection

• fever
• dry cough
• heavy breathing
• sudden loss of taste or smell

Further symptoms can be:
headache, chills, sore throat, snuffles, runny nose, muscle pain, diarrhea and/or vomiting

Special Effects’ Health and Safety Regulations

Rules to be followed during work

All employees are required to wash and disinfect their hands upon arriving at the warehouse using the sanitizers placed throughout the offices and warehouses, along with disinfection guidelines. The so-called ‘Meet Safe Rack’, a pre-assembled disinfecting kit, is a compulsory accessory of all events.

The ‘Meet Safe Rack’ contains the following: Hand sanitizer gel, disinfectant cloth, disinfectant spray, paper towel, self-adhesive sterilization bag, thermometer, disposable masks and rubber gloves.

Upon arrival at the venue, the entire SE staff (including the Project Manager) must complete a Statement of Responsibility stating that they show no symptoms of any illness and as to their best knowledge they have not been in contact with anyone showing symptoms of COVID19 in the previous 14 days. The statemenst are retained for 1 month and shared with client upon requestUpon arrival at the venue, the entire SE staff (including the Project Manager) must complete a Statement of Responsibility stating that they show no symptoms of any illness and as to their best knowledge they have not been in contact with anyone showing symptoms of COVID19 in the previous 14 days. The statemenst are retained for 1 month and shared with client upon request.


All equipment used by clients /guests/speakers are disinfected upon return to our warehouse. We disinfect the following equipment with special care:
• Microphones
• Headsets and receivers
• Wireless presenters
• Laptops
• Flash drives
• Flipcharts and markers
• Lecterns

Special Effects’ Health and Safety Regulations

Equipment disinfection protocol

Disinfection of smaller devices

Devices needed for an event are placed in a disinfection bag at the warehouse and opened right before use at the event venue.

Disinfection of additional equipment (Headset and receivers)

Headsets and receivers are placed in the designated ozone generator cabin after use.

Truck use

Before each ride, the driver wipes the frequently touched surfaces in the truck with a disinfectant cloth. Since alcoholic disinfectant gels and liquids are flammable, it is forbidden to leave them in the vehicle.

At the venue

We check in advance the special regulations of the venue, as well as the safety requirements of the customer, and inform the crew assigned to the event accordingly.

Wearing a mask is mandatory if required by the client/venue, and highly recommended for those who possibly had contact at the venue with a person showing COVID19 symptoms.

AV-Desk: A technikusi pultban az egyes munkaállomások között 1,5 méteres távolság tartása javasolt. Napközben többször, majd a nap végén is a kollégáink fertőtlenítik munkaállomásaikat és használati tárgyaikat.

We suggest avoiding flash drives and memory sticks for handing over presentations. Instead, we recommend using We Transfer, Google Drive, event-specific email addresses or designated speaker room at larger events. If this is not possible, we disinfect the devices upon receipt from and return to the clients/speakers. Data carriers containing event material and documents are always disinfected before returning them to the client.

At the venue

We check in advance the special regulations of the venue, as well as the safety requirements of the customer, and inform the crew assigned to the event accordingly.

Wearing a mask is mandatory if required by the client/venue, and highly recommended for those who possibly had contact at the venue with a person showing COVID19 symptoms.

AV-Desk: It is recommended to keep a distance of 1.5 meters between workstations in the technical desk. Crew members disinfect their stations and equipment with disinfectant cloths regularly during the day and at the end of each event day.

We suggest avoiding flash drives and memory sticks for handing over presentations. Instead, we recommend using We Transfer, Google Drive, event-specific email addresses or designated speaker room at larger events. If this is not possible, we disinfect the devices upon receipt from and return to the clients/speakers. Data carriers containing event material and documents are always disinfected before returning them to the client.

After completing the event setup and at the end of each event day, all surfaces and equipment that clients, guests or speakers come into contact with are properly disinfected. During the event, frequently used audiovisual equipment and furniture is disinfected on a regular basis with the frequency agreed with the client, especially focusing on the following devices: microphones, headsets and receivers, wireless presenters, laptops, flash drives, flipcharts and markers, lecterns, extension cords placed on guest tables, furniture (coffee tables, armchairs, etc.).

Microphones: We recommend a designated microphone for each speaker (in case of conference microphones one mic per person is recommended). If the Q&A session is not done via an event app or any other contactless method, we suggest fixed microphones to be placed in the aisles instead of handheld microphones passed around in the audience.

Interpretation booth: 1 person per booth is recommended.

Subcontractors’ equipment: Special Effects’ disinfection procedures also apply to hired equipment.



• Professional staff trained to apply a high level of hygiene and safety protocols

• Health and safety kits per technician

• Regularly disinfected AV equipment, assigned per person on request

• Health status statement from the entire technical staff (on request)

• A medical statement from the technical staff (if required)



• Professional staff trained to apply a high level of hygiene and safety protocols

• Health and safety kits per technician

• Regularly disinfected AV equipment, assigned per person on request

• Health status statement from the entire technical staff (on request)

• A medical statement from the technical staff (if required)


• On-site non-contact body temperature measurement upon entry (equipment rental)

• Contactless hand sanitizers (equipment rental) – with branding possibility

• „Health and Safety” tanácsadás a rendezvény előkészítési fázisában

• Medical support: on-site supervision and/or pre-event consultation


• On-site non-contact body temperature measurement upon entry (equipment rental)

• Contactless hand sanitizers (equipment rental) – with branding possibility

• „Health and Safety” tanácsadás a rendezvény előkészítési fázisában

• Medical support: on-site supervision and/or pre-event consultation

kraftwerk design & production llc.
all rights reserved. 2020