Multi-City events
Multi-Location events
Both concepts are based on the similar principle to organize smaller events in different cities at the same time, to ensure a higher overall participation. In the short run attendees will travel more likely within their home or to neighboring countries rather than to farther destinations. In a given region the regulations are probably very similar, therefore similar restrictions may apply upon departure to or returning home from a foreign country. Individual car travel or a quick flight to nearby locations will be an easier choice, just as easy to return home if any problem arises.
In case of multi-location occasions, larger local events are split into smaller groups at various venues within the same city.
In case of multi-location occasions, larger local events are split into smaller groups at various venues within the same city.
Two solutions with the same advantage
Larger audience can participate, while both attendees and presenters have a better sense of safety if they travel to a closer destination and meet people from the same region. Thanks to the smaller number of participants in each location, guests enjoy a more convenient and manageable environment with a more intimate atmosphere. Participants will have more trust and willingness to attend such events in person.
It is very important to engage and interactively involve online participants, too, as well as ensure their personal contribution to the overall community experience. Solutions for enhanced visual experience, interactive tools, content and technology developments are listed under 'VIRTUAL EVENT SOLUTIONS'.
Guests can follow some program elements only via streaming, yet enjoy the personal presence at the respective venue. Presentations from all locations in all cities are cross-streamed therefore the entire event content is available to every attendee, while local programs provide the unique live experience for onsite guests.
kraftwerk design & production llc.
all rights reserved. 2020